Privacy of information: I think the realtors finally get it now
It was over a decade ago that the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act put into law some very clear restrictions about the sharing of a mortgage...
When you can take the pebble from my hand.....
In the 70s tv show Kung Fu the student knew from an early age that when he was fast and strong enough to take the pebble from his...
EAT THE RICH, Lemmy We'll miss you! 1945-2015
The Big Short
I am definately going to see the new movie The Big Short about the 2008 housing crisis and crash. This should be interesting to see how...
What is missing?
This is my neighbor's home in Cape Cod. Something significant is missing/removed from this house - - what is it?
Waiting until the last minute to get started...
There is a tear down home across the street from me. The developer paid a whopping $2M for the land with plans to build a "Monster...
Tips on Identity Theft
Please review these important tips from the Federal Trade Commission regarding identity protection! Review the charges on your credit...
Happy Thanksgiving!
In this time of gratitude, I give thanks to my borrowers and social media followers. I value your business and appreciate your confidence...
Last wall standing
My wife is always watching The Property Brothers on the HG chanel. It seems like The Property Brothers is always on......(exageration)...
Some homeowners will never see that reno $$ money again
This luxury indoor pool and billiards room is a perfect example of a upgrade project that will not improve the home's resale value. I...